Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

This year we went to Gran Pear and Danma's house for a turkey dinner on Christmas eve. It was a perfect evening! We even broke out the 100-year old bottle of burbon. Olive was yet again dressed to the nines. She had a red flower dress and three-piece knit set that all hark back to 1977. Kate's mom has pictures of Kate wearing the same pieces. Olive did have some stiff competition from her father, who is rocking some serious Christmas flair (see group photo).

Christmas morning was dreamy. Cousin Annie, Molly, and Robin walked in the door of our house at 7:45am sing christmas carols and bearing gifts. We hung out in our PJs and opened gifts and ate our favorite Christmas treats (fruit bread, Sara Lee coffee cake, eggs, bacon, and bloody marys) into the early afternoon. Olive of course got some amazing gifts and is very lucky to have so many generous and wonderful people in her life.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009


30 minutes at the pool=3 hour nap=very happy parents

Robin's B-Day!

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we celebrated Robin's birthday. Again, Molly hosted the party at her house and everything was yummy! I can't tell you how happy we are to have Robin join the family. Many of Robin's friends were also in attendance, including Will and Christine and their new baby Lincoln. Lincoln is a cute little dude - he's just about half Olive's age and the same weight.

Turkey Day

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my sister's house. The food was amazing - pomegranate corn salad, grilled turkeys, artichoke and parmesan stuffing.... Olive was dressed for the occasion in a hand-knitted, margarine-colored dress that her cousin Annabelle purchased from a southside (Chicago) craft fair. It has been a really special year for family and we are thankful for many things including good health, our perfect little girl, my sister and Robin's engagement, and my cousin Annabelle move to Denver.