Sunday, May 6, 2012

Catching up

We had a busy winter this year, sorry for not posting sooner!  Kate is expecting another girl, due Sept. 1. Olive is thrilled about being a big sister and cleaning poopy diapers. Seriously cleaning poopy diapers, we couldn't be happier! ;) Olive is a kid, no more toddler. She is super chatty, loves meeting new people, and making people laugh. We have enrolled her in a few activities over the past  months (soccer, ballet, and yoga) and she hasn't shown much interest. She is happiest collecting bugs and bossing us around. She also loves playdates with her friends Beezie or Gretchen.

We are in the process of moving to a larger house very close to Sloan's Lake. The house is bigger but not huge. It is mid-century modern architecture with an open floor plan. We are looking forward to more bathrooms and to being so close to the lake. We are a bit sad to leave our little red brick house. It has been a wonderful and cozy home for the past 7 years and we finally got everything to where we want it to be. Wish us luck with moving!

I posted some photos from the past months above. As you can see, Olive is a lovely little girl these days. You can't tell from these photos but she is a real tomboy.