Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day!

Olive *LOVED* Christmas this year. She was a champ at opening gifts and even "oooohed" and "aaahhhed" when she discovered her treasure. We spread out some of the gift opening over a few days so that it was not too overwhelming (and because I might of out stashed myself with a few of the gifts). We gave Olive a kitchen set and my family kicked in with kitchen related gifts. Olive has embraced her new occupation, head chef. After opening gifts at the house we went over to Molly's for a Christmas pagent - super fun. Bob showcased his juggling skills and Kate did a dramatic puppet show reinactment of the Breackfast Club. Fun was had by all.
Merry Christmas and much love!

Christmas Eve

Visit with Santa

Santa made a special appearance at the Goodman's house. Most of the kids screamed but not our Olive who can be won over by the promise of a present. The top image is a photo of Olive with her best bud Gretchen.

Tuba Christmas Concert