Saturday, January 30, 2010


We had a fun x-country ski in Rocky Mountian National Park with the Randalls. Olive woke up for the event and stayed super alert the whole time. It was great to get out with her and to spend some time with the Grand Lake Randalls.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This week Olive went from infant to animal

Check out our little spider monkey! Ollie had her first meal this evening, which was a smashing success!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to work!

My return to work has been mixed. It was sad to drop little Olive off at the daycare, but I couldn't ask for a better job or daycare facility. I 'm working 30 hour weeks (3/10 hour days) so I can still spend lots of time with my girl. Olive is adjusting quickly to daycare. She cried hysterically the first day and refused to eat. In the following days, she has warmed up to her teachers, eats fine, and is enjoying the new toys. I'm able to visit her during my lunch break which makes it allot easier (on me) and when I pick her up at the end of the day she is SO excited to see me!
Check out the photo of Olive in polka-dotted pants and a stripped shirt. Can you guess who dressed her for her first day at daycare?

Ginsu Bunny and Asher

Accidental visit from Ginsu and Asher following our trip to Estes Park was a highlight of our holiday season!

Estes Park

The day after Christmas we took a trip up to Estes Park to see the Aunties and Cousin Sara. It was REALLY great to catch up and introduce Ms. Olive. Olive thought it was so exciting she refused to sleep!