Sunday, February 10, 2013

Stock show

Okay seriously, the girls killed at the stock show this year. Uncle Zeke and Aunt Judy gifted us some 100% authentic (mid)western wear from Missouri. The girls looked like they could be on the brochure for the event. Too stinkin' cute! Olive's outfit was so good that she told me that she was a "seriously real cowgirl" as if she had tapped into her true self via the most amazing rhinestone belt buckle ever.

As usual, we loved the stock show. Olive got to ride a pony, pet some farm animals, and eat fried food. Frankie got a diaper change on the floor of the coliseum. Clearly a good time was had by all! Thanks Zeke and Judy!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fairbank Family

Andrew, Stephanie, Kel, Anthony, Ked, Annie, Kiel, Molly, Robin, Everett, Gran, and Pa all came over last night. It was a real treat to see the Euro cousins. It had been 10 years since I last saw Kel. All of the cousins were doing intersting things and living full lives. The older generation looked great and were wild as usual;) So good to see everyone! Unfortunately, I'm missing photos of a few key attendees.

A rocky 2013

Frances was in the gray area for her hearing based on behavior indicators at her two month exam. They did a hearing screen at four months and she failed. We returned two weeks later and she failed again. Over the past month, I spent a fair bit of time thinking about what life would be like if she was deaf and I came to peace with it, knowing that she would be loved and incredibly well cared for. Thankfully, she did pass the screening we brought her to last Friday at the ENT clinic.  Deep breath.

My return to work last month wasn't as smooth as I had hoped. We are adjusting to the logistical challenges of bringing two kids to different day care/schools. What happened to the easy days of going to the gym after work and grabbing a late dinner out? Ha.