Saturday, November 28, 2009


We apologize that this is our first post of the month. We spent the first three weeks of November in Marco Island, Florida. It was a magical trip! We had lazy mornings hanging out with little Olive, who now responds to us with coos and giggles. We went for a daily walks on the beach while Olive mostly napped in the Baby Bjorn. We cooked some great meals and just enjoyed being with each other.

In the past few weeks Olive has transformed from infant to baby. She holds her head up, wants to stand (assisted), enjoys books, and playing with toys. She's beginning to roll from her stomach to back as well. We are having a ball with her!


  1. Welcome back kids! Can't wait to see your tans. And SO pleased Olive can finally spell her own name -- 3 months is just the right time for that.
